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This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of OpenOffice.

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Luca "Luke" Calcinai

Average: 4.6 (16 votes)

ebook, EPUB, e-book, writer2epub, mobi, mobipocket, iBooks
Date de publication:
Samedi, 11 Décembre, 2010 - 16:04
Week: Non suivi - Mois: Non suivi - Année: Non suivi - Timeline
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System Independent version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Oui
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Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

Writer2ePub is an OpenOffice.org extension that creates an ePub file from any document openable by the OOo Word Processor.
Just simply one click, you can obtain a well formatted, easy readable ePub file from almost any document.

What is Writer2ePub?
W2E is an ePub creator. Simply write your document with the OOo Word Processor and W2E will make an ePub file using the best traditional typographic rules, by applying a predefined style sheet (CSS). If you need a good ePub document and you can use the OOo Writer Word Processor, W2E is your tool.

What Writer2ePub is not?
W2E is not a simple file converter. It does not just convert an existing document to ePub. If you need to obtain a pure wysiwyg ePub file, W2E is not for you. Please look at [URL="http://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=166"]Calibre[/URL] or other OOo extensions available on the Internet to do this kind of jobs.
Neither is W2E an ePub editor, please look at [URL="http://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=203"]Sigil[/URL] or other similar product if you need to edit and modify an existing ePub.

Who can use Writer2ePub?
W2E is intended for occasional users and professional use. The occasional user can create an high quality epub without worrying about the source document quality, while professional can create an easy editable, well structured and valid ePub file.

Just double click on the dowloaded file, it will install or replace the old W2E version.
Otherwise, please open the Extension Manager from the Tools menu and add the extension from there.
Once installed, on opening a new writer document you will find a small toolbar with three green icons.

Simply press the first icon, and an ePub will be created in the same folder of the original file.
The icon with the blue mark is useful to add or edit the metadata information (title, author and so on).
The last icon with the red mark is to modify the preference. In a normal use you don't need to modify these settings.

Writer2ePub is a software tool written by non-professional programmers.
The author and all the collaborators are not responsible in any way for direct or indirect damages caused by W2E to your data, your software, your hard disk, your computer, your person, your home, your town, your country, your planet or your universe.
Please use it carefully and at your own risk!



Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
1.1.27 System Independent 4.1 05/07/2014 - 15:52 Plus d'information Download
1.1.25 System Independent 4.0 01/08/2013 - 00:29 Plus d'information Download
1.1.25 System Independent 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 01/08/2013 - 00:26 Plus d'information Download


I have been using this extension for years with OpenOffice 3.4.1 to quickly read self-written texts on the 'Tolino', and I am highly satisfied with the quality of the generated epubs.

Using OpenOffice 4.1.6 on WinXP Pro. More often than not, it starts the export while I'm entering/editing metadata (haven't gone anywhere near the "OK" button). 50/50 chance it hangs up and I have to force-close OpenOffice. I see from another comment here that it doesn't export graphics in "frames"--in other words, it dumps most graphics with captions (though it picked a framed graphic that wasn't first as a "first image" for the cover), because that's how OO handles captions. I've got 58 illustrations (mostly captioned) and four sidebars (framed text)--this is WHY I'm looking for a way to get OO to export PDF, because the web-based converters keep screwing it up!

I downloaded and used the extension to try and get clean html for a manuscript. It worked well and gave me the epub and the folder. I am using the xhtml text in the folder to set up the formatting and style sheet, I will also be inserting a cover picture and inner cover picture. My question is once finished how do I archive the folder back to being an epub? Thanks

Although an epub is technically a Zip file, just using Zip often doesn't work and e-reading devices will not recognize the epub. There are a couple of utilities out there that will do it, though. I use one called "Epub Zip-Unzip" which is an Applescript application for Mac, but there are various other ones out there for Unix, etc.

Seit dem OpenOffice-Update auf 4.1.3 wird die Toolbar für den writer2ePub nicht mehr angezeigt. Die ePub-Konvertierung kann somit mit der aktuellen Version von OpenOffice nicht benutzt werden!

I have installed 1.1.28. I have tried a new document. I have tried opening an existing document. I am not seeing the tool bar with the three buttons. I have looked in the tool bar menu, and do not find toolbar with a name appropriate to this extension. What am I missing? Am I looking in the wrong place?

When using with bidirectional text, where an Arabic text (rtl) contains some English words (ltr) in the middle, the direction of the writing in the output epub is messed up.

Hi Luke,

Terrific extension – thank you for developing it.

In the course of testing it, I have found that if a hyperlink contains an ampersand ("&"), the published eBook will cut off (i.e. simply be blank) from the point where the sentence containing the offending hyperlink is.

An example hyperlink where I can consistently reproduce this behaviour is:


This has to be inserted as a hyperlink in the source ODT file to reproduce the problem. Specifically, the link target (not text) must contain the ampersand to reproduce the problem. Remove the ampersand, and the eBook will publish and appear normally.

I am on Ubuntu 12.04, LibreOffice, with Writer2ePub version 1.1.25. Any pointers you can give will be awesome.

Donation for the great work in general is on its way.


I am short storywriter, before, I am using word then convert files for ePub or ereader format so the files can be readable to any mobile ereader capable devices. Thanksfully that now I can use this app directly to write epub files without any conversion. Thanks, this works in my iPad device.

Richard of kekacase.com

Hi Richard,
I restart the development of W2E, in the current version 1.1.27 and in the future versions I will improve the compatibility with iBooks.
Thanks for your support!


I am Using Apache OpenOffice.org. Just Installed OpenOffice 4.0.0 and Can't Seem to Use The ePub Export Extension. Does Anyone Know anything about This?? Thanks...

AOO4 uses a different method to manage extension. I built a new version only for AOO 4.0, just look in my blog:

Writer2ePub don't works with oo 4.0??? I install 3.4.1 again!

AOO 4.0 seems to have problems in extension management. I try to install W2E and other extension but none show the icon bar of the extension.
I will investigate further.

Thank you for your great work!

Solved with a new version compatible only with AOO 4.x, please download it

I have an OO document that I want to export to EPUB. The document contains a single image with alt text. When I export my document using Writer2ePub, the text exports without problems but the image does *not* export with the book. Does Writer2ePub not export images? I'm using version 1.1.24 with OO 3.4.1.


Sorry for the delay in my answer. Maybe your images are included in frames, and W2E still doesn't support frames. For a better solution, please send to me your .odt file using the contact form in my blog http://lukesblog.it/ebooks/ebook-tools/writer2epub/

I do a lot of editing of books and short stories for other authors. I want to be able to convert the stories to the format for e-Kindle books. Can this handle that?

Yes, you can! Just download Kindlegen from Amazon site and specify the path in preferences. W2E will create both EPUB and Mobipocket files. If you use W2E for professional use don't forget a donation ;)


Is Writer2ePub free for private and commercial use?

Best regards

Yes, it is free, but a donation is always appreciate :)
Moreover, if you use W2E for commercial use, please insert the credits to W2E in the books

I got the following error when trying to convert an RTF document into Epub:

Symbol not expected in this sentence in the Basic script:

I tryed to update the extension but it still fails.

Help will be appreciated. Thnx in advance.

To prevent problems, please work only with .odt files. If your source is an .rtf or .doc, please save them to .odt before start the creation.
This because only .odt files can store additional information about metadata and settings.

This statement only changes the icon of a button and seems to be not essential. "REM" helps...

I'm sonewhat confused as to whether or not this is the right tool for me. In the description it says "If you need a good ePub document and you can use the OOo Writer Word Processor, W2E is your tool", but later on it also says "If you need to obtain a pure wysiwyg ePub file, W2E is not for you". Not sure what the wysiwyg refers to here. Are the files created by W2E readable on ebook readers or not? Another important question is, does this support using the Arabic Alphabet in documents?

Yes: W2E creates valid ePub compatible with all eReaders.

Maybe: the RTL languages needs to be supported also in the eReader software. I will check for W2E RTL compatibility in next revisions.
Please send to me an Arabic sample text (with at least one heading 1) to writer2epub[at]gmail.com



I tried to convert an ODT but I found the following bugs:

Title: if the is a single quote ' -> Crashes
Original Title: if the is a single quote ' -> Crashes
Publisher: if the is the Ampersand "&" -> Crashes
Description: if the is a single quote ' -> Crashes

I use this release:
Ubuntu 11.04
LibreOffice 3.3.4 OOO330m19 (Build:401) tag libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.4-0ubuntu1




Table of content not working. It seems id in content.opf don't match id in toc.ncx, please check. thx.

Hi - the function worked very well in converting my document, except that the internal hyperlinks didn't convert. In the original document, I have many internal links, mostly when there is a term that is described in detail elsewhere in the document. The hyperlinks work properly in the .odt flie, but there appears to be just the text in the epub document, no associated link.

Any ideas?


I installed the Version 1.1.13 from this site, first it says here to be 1.1.10 but it is not, it is 1.1.13, but after installing it, I get neverending Update request in OpenOffice, showing me, that Version 1.1.14 is available.
It is not.
I can upate it in OpenOffice but I will again get only 1.1.13 AND I will get another annoying Update information.

Please fix this.