QRCode generator


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This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of OpenOffice.

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Average: 3.3 (7 votes)

Calc, Writer
qrccode, QR, code, barcode, 2d
Date de publication:
Jeudi, 26 Décembre, 2013 - 08:23
Week: Non suivi - Mois: Non suivi - Année: Non suivi - Timeline
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System Independent version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Oui
User feedback:
Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

Create QR-code easily since Writer or Calc.
This OXT use an embedded Javascript from Kazuhiko Arase (under license MIT).
After installation, select text and go to the Insert menu.
If no text selected, a dialog appears to input a string.
The QR-code generated is provided in SVG format.

French, spanish, german and italian version available

If you want to use this extension in your own language, you can help to translate strings.
Please e-mail me: oooforum [at] free [dot] fr

QRCode generator

Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
1.1.2 System Independent 3.4, 4.0, 4.1 25/07/2019 - 08:59 Plus d'information Download
1.1.1 System Independent 3.4, 4.0, 4.1 20/04/2015 - 06:01 Plus d'information Download


Le menu n'apparaît pas dans le menu insertion.

Il faut bien sûr redémarrer OpenOffice une fois l'OXT installé.

I too get the same permission denied error. When the Java editor pops up I edited the PWD line to change the data from "/qrcode.tmp" to "./qrcode.tmp" and again to "qrcode.tmp" all generate the same permission denied error. I also tried "~/qrcode.tmp" and it got no such directory. All directory syntax is correct. How does this behave on Linux?

Can you help me, i get this error on my Mac?


Sorry, I don't have MacOS to test but QR-code is generated in your current folder.
This one is declared as environment variable with PWD.
It seem that is setting at root. Check this problem.

I think getting newer version of library would help to fix that.
This library can be find here: https://github.com/kazuhikoarase/qrcode-generator


The extension is working fine in Open Office 4.1.1 but I receive an error: Error: code length overflow. (756 > 512) (#360) when I try to generate a QR-Code of the text:


Is there a way to increase the capacity of this extension?

Thank's for your help.

The explanation of Helmut was right Line 128 it's necessary to add a "a" at "...uno_packages/qrcodejs-1.0"a".oxt ....of course do not add the "" ...
Thank u

To fix the exception error for _main.js not found:
Open the OpenOffice Basic Macro (if not already done by the exception)
In line 128, the one to set sParam just above the error line, change the tail of the line to read:
.... uno_packages/qrcodejs-1.0a.oxt"
This is the foldername underneath uno_packages/cache /uno_packages/xxxx.tmp


My solution after few hours testing: when install addon install it only for you and not shared type! The program is hard coded to user!

This error occurs in QRCode 1.1.1 now. Tried updating the macro with qrcodejs-1.1.1.oxt appended in (now line 196) as above, the function Location return and it gives same error with the updated specification. Can you please advise the correct fix or provide a patch update?


My solution after few hours testing: when install addon install it only for you and not shared type! The program is hard coded to user!

I could only generate error messages in OO 3.3, OO3.4.1 and OO4.0
It doesn't like this command line:
oJS = oSP.getScript(sScript)

My solution after few hours testing: when install addon install it only for you and not shared type! The program is hard coded to user!