Maintainer: |
alicvb |
Note: |
(11 votes)
Application: |
Calc, Draw, Impress,, Writer |
Étiquettes: |
cropping, images |
Date de publication: |
Dimanche, 11 Novembre, 2007 - 16:23 |
Statistiques |
Week: Non suivi - Mois: Non suivi - Année: Non suivi - Timeline |
This extension provide an easy way to crop images in Draw or Impress.
Have a look at for more details.
Version | Operating system | Compatibility | Release date | ||
0.2.1 | System Independent | 2.x, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | 20/11/2007 - 14:41 | Plus d'information | Download |
0.2.0 | System Independent | 2.x, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | 19/11/2007 - 14:45 | Plus d'information | Download |
0.1.2 | System Independent | 3.4 | 12/11/2007 - 15:40 | Plus d'information | Download |
0.1.1 | System Independent | 3.4 | 11/11/2007 - 16:27 | Plus d'information | Download |
I can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong?. I am working with Windows 7.
It has been correctly installed. Other extension also don't work (CADOO.o).
I'm using OpenOffice 3.1 on Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10.
When cropping a picture, after pressing Enter, the left and top offset is incorrect, and CropOOo adds margin as big as the graphic's distance to the top-left corner of the current page.
Even when I move the picture to the top-left of the page (using Anchor To Page), the picture's dimension is not changed by CropOOo, leaving white space around the graphic.
i've noticed that CropOOo works smoother in brand new release OpenOffice 3.1
I won't go into great detail but UNDO (ctrl-z) doesn't seem to work right. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. [Windows, OO 3.0]
Same with me, I had to cancel the changes I had made and close the document to undo the crop. Otherwise, great extension! This is what Draw has been missing.
Should be part of openoffice. Anyway, many thanks for providind it to all. Works with Ooo3 without problem.
tanks, this works perfect on OpenOffice 2.4 on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 is very useful.
gracias, excelente extensión, la versión 0.2.1 trabaja perfectamente en OpenOffice 2.4 sobre Ubuntu 8.04
Este suplemento permite cortar parte das imagens
Jacinto Leal
And when you close the file down in Draw it shows some new "window"
Can you help please. I want a simple crop tool and no strange window on closing.
I can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong?
This extension is great, but I found a problem. On my OOo 2.3.1, Win 98 in Draw or Impress after croping is changed aspect ratio. See
Is it my problem only?
Tom B.
I love your macro. It makes it much easier to do simple cropping of images inside a document. However, when I tried to use it at first it kept giving me an error. So, I changed the following in the macro code and all is now well.
In the Sub Do_Crop_Impress function
I changed MyPage.Remove(rect)
to im.parent.Remove(rect)
I just changed where the error was I did not check your variable definitions.
Chad Frerichs
Director Of Technology
Okoboji Community Schools
Thanks for your post. Yes it was a bug... a stupid mistake between local and global variables...
Now It's OK. I have post a new release (0.2.1)
I don't know if you are familiar with the work of Dr. Shamir (Efi Arazi School of Computer Science)¹. He introduced a great method to non-uniformly re-size pictures without any distortion or artifacts. Here is the original paper:
GIMP is using it also (under the name Liquid Rescale²) as plug-in. Maybe the algorithm is worth checking out?
For my opinion, is not designed to performs such actions. Typically, I think you've to use an software specialized in image manipulation to do this (like GIMP).
But I agree with you that an easy way to launch GIMP (or other) from OOo would be great : Select an image, clic on a button which open the image in GIMP, do what you want and when you've finish, just find your modified picture in place of the old one...
That's a way to explore...
This extension is really great. It's simple and fast (saves a lot of time). The only downside is that there is no undo. However, there is actually no real need for this because images can be reloaded any time.
Do you plan to make your other extensions (PubOOo, ClipOOo) public here too?
Waow... Thanks a lot.
For PubOOo, I don't think is place is here, because this is not an extension, but a external program based on OOo macro...
For ClipOOo, I have some difficulties with English translations, but I'll release it here soon.
Oh sorry I did not check the sources of PubOOo, thus I did not see that this is an external program.
I speak some French (English and German). If you tell me what to do I can try to help you.
Thanks a lot. I have to find an easy way to list all terms to translate. Then, if you want, i'll send you a mail for somme help.
Sorry for the late reply. Sure, just sent me the terms and I'll do my best.