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Friday, 24 October, 2014 - 03:55 |
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Dictation system, in this Malayalam ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) system is integrated with OpenOffice writer. It allows users to dictate office documents hands-free in Malayalam as this oxt transcribes each spoken word in the text area of OpenOffice writer. You can use your voice instead of typing text. No setup or special training is required.
It also supports formatting of documents such as bold, tab space, underline etc. File operations such as new file, save, close, save as are also supported. All these formatting and file operations can be done through voice commands.
It facilitates vocabulary updating option, through which user can update the recognizer dictionary with their required vocabulary or files containing the words. It also provides alternate words for the recognized word, that a user spoken.This application automatically generates documents in UTF-8 format.
Currently, the average recognition rate for office documents is 75 %.It supports 3000 most frequently used words in office domain.
System Requirements
• Windows
• Microphone & Speakers
Software Prerequisite:
• MalayalamRecognizer.oxt
• OpenOffice 4 or above
• JRE 1.6 or above
• Active Perl software to update the speech dictionary ( you can download from )
Fonts :
For better rendering, kindly place the following malayalam fonts, in the fonts directory.
• Karthika
• ECWThinkal
• MLW-TTKarthika
• ML-TTKarthika
Step 1: Install OpenOffice Writer 3 or above (if not already exists) ( requires admininstator privilages)
Step 2 : Place the above said fonts in ‘fonts’ folder of windows
Step 3: Just double-click the extension. It will be automatically installed.
We can also add the extensions, by using OpenOffice writer ->Tools -> Extensions Manager -> add (locate the .oxt file)
Step 4: Press close . Writer will be opened.
In Tools -> Options ->Java -> Parameters
add -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
Stpe 5: Once installed close the writer and reopen the writer.
Step 6: Now a new menu named “MalayalamSpeechRecognizer” menu will appear.
Step 7: To dictate, click MalayalamSpeechRecognizer -> SpeechRecognition
Step 8: After few seconds, A speech recognition GUI will appear.
Step 9, click start and dicatate the document
Step 10: Suggestions or alternate words will be displayed in adjacent menu. If it contains the correct word, double click it.
Step 11: To update the recognizing dictionary , click MalayalamSpeechRecognizer -> Add to dictionary
Step 12: Add the word to be recognized or add the file containing the words to be recognized and press ‘Add to dictionary’ button . and start once again the recognizer to dicatate as said in step 7.
Version | Operating system | Compatibility | Release date | ||
0.0.1 | Windows | 4.0 | 22/12/2014 - 04:20 | More information | Download |
0.0.1 | Windows | 4.1 | 04/11/2014 - 01:16 | More information | Download |
0.0.1 | Windows | 4.1 | 04/11/2014 - 01:02 | More information | Download |
Dear sir, I can't type the Malayalam Indian- kerala language. because the " Chillaksharangal" didn't get as ISM or other formats. Why ?
What can I do to get those 4 letters.
Dear sir, I could n't type the" chillaksharangal" in Malayalam typing with unicode font ML-TTKarthika. Why ? what can I do get those letters?
with regards.
ML-TTKarthika is non Unicode font...Karthika is unicode font...
Typing chillaksharamas--- na +chandrakala+Ctrl+Shift+1 for n
same for all chillaksharams
Hello, I think i am running 1.8 JRE.
My email is
Dear Sir,
Kindly say about your JRE version....whether you get any error messages...
I have not tested this extension in windows 8.( tested only in windows 7 and XP) let me test in 8 and let you know...
kindly mention your mail-id.
Hello, I think my JRE is 1.8. How do we check?
My email is
Dear sir ( Bejoy kurian),
1. I think you succeed up to step 7. before proceeding next step, kindly ensure your microphone is plugged in and working properly.( use Windows's microphone testing wizard which under control panel).
2. whether update dictionary is working properly.( step 11 and step 12)..
3. If problem still continues, mail me about your system config like OS and version of OpenOffice....
I still have the problem. I was able to update dictionary. But i don't know how to see the word.
I am using WIN 8.1 and latest Apache open office 4.1.1.
Thanks in advance
I downloaded and installed open office and added extension "Malayalam Dictation System". Followed the instructions. I am able to see the menu "MalayalamSpeechRecognizer" and when i clicked the GUI window came. Then i click start and nothing happening.
Kindly add readme also