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writer, extension, OOoFormulaEditor, extension, formula editor, extension, equation editor, extension, OOo, extension, OOo plugin, extension
Post date:
Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 - 02:28
Week: Not tracked - Month: Not tracked - Year: Not tracked - Timeline
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Windows version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Unknown
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Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

OOoFormulaEditor is a StarBasic formula editor plug-in for Writer.
Create complex formulas with OOoFormulaEditor!


Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
1.0.0 Windows 3.4 25/03/2009 - 02:36 More information Download


When I attempt to insert expression into my document I encounter this BASIC error:
Property or method not found: BaseFontHeight

Can you advise? I have no experience with code for Open Office and limited experience with code in general.
Thank you!

Good work, this is a good substitute for the MS office equation editor. The only problem I have with it is the font options. . . . Although Variables are supposedly Arial by default, they show up as some fancy, highly stylized font on my machine. When I try to change them, or the font size for that matter, a BASIC window pops up telling me that there has been a runtime error.

I'm using Win7 64 bit, if that helps.

Is it possible to make it crossplatform?

Still having size issues when used in Linux.
I still have to find out how to fix this.

For now, a workaround would be to (in OOo Writer under Linux) edit the output formula (by double-clicking or right-click then Edit) and save it again. The formula would be resized to normal.

Thank you very much for trying out my plug-in.
You are very much encouraged to use/modify this plug-in to suit your needs.
Please do not hesitate to post comments, questions and suggestions here.

That is easy to use it and good result, i like it because of simple the best