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Impress |
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presentations, extension, embed, extension, voice, extension, comment, extension, slide, extension |
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Thursday, 17 January, 2008 - 06:33 |
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eVoice is an easy-to-use extension to embed voice comments in your slides. It provides the capabilities of recording and adding audio commentaries to your slide shows.
Every comment will be associated with a single slide and embedded inside the Impress document in Speex format to keep file size small. Comments will also be automatically reproduced during presentation.
Version | Operating system | Compatibility | Release date | ||
1.0.0 | Windows, Linux | 2.x, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 | 23/01/2008 - 05:47 | More information | Download |
I found that this extension fails badly resulting in the loss of the presentation being worked. A number of people have reported the same in the comments and in the forum.
Please test it before using it for anything critical!
I have a final project. I finished the powerpoint, and added voice with this app. I saved several times while finishing the project. Upon closing, Openoffice said that it would update, and while doing so my entire document is gone! I did a test powerpoint, and the same thing happened again.
Hello, I have try this extension earlier and it wasn't working, but now it works greatly.
Hovewer, I think it is still missing important features, the most basic one is a syncronisation mechanism with the slide presentation (change slide)...
It would be very nice if also the flash exported would keep the embedded voice...
I would dearly love to get this going, however I'm having two difficulties:
- first, the eVoice menu has disappeared. I still have the toolbar icon, but I'm wondering if the e-Voice menu contains any configuration options. Here's why...
- the second problem is that when I close and re-open documents in which I added recordings, the recordings are sound, no little icon, nothing
Can anyone help with this?
To use eVoice, plug in your microphone to your sound card and select eVoice -> Insert from the menu. eVoice opens in a simple dialog with Record, Play, Stop, and Pause across the top, a duration graph in the middle, and OK and Cancel buttons on the bottom to use when you are finished.
As with pre-existing sound clips that you add via Insert -> Movie and Sound in the menu, clips created with eVoice show as a gray icon in the lower right corner of the current slide. If you click it, object handles appear, allowing you to drag it to another place on the slide when it gets in the way during slide design. The icon is not visible when you run the slide show.
Using eVoice, you can add one recording per slide; recording a second one overwrites the first. You can use the Play button in the dialog to hear your result, or, alternatively, click Slide Show -> Slide Show.
The most basic use for eVoice is to create narration for the slide. If you time the length of the clip, you can set the slide to display for the same time by selecting Slide Show -> Slide Transition -> Advance Slide - > Automatically After, and setting a time in seconds. If you are designing a slide show as an unattended demo -- say, for a trade fair -- you can have the show loop by selecting Slide Show -> Slide Show Settings -> Auto, and choosing an interval between repetitions.
However, that is only the beginning. If you choose, eVoice can act as a recording device -- one much simpler than a tool such as Audacity, but one that is also much easier to use. More creatively, you can replace the microphone with a two-way jack and record sound effects or background music directly from an MP3 player or stereo. If you carefully choose your clips and keep track of their duration, you can also use eVoice to create the illusion of continuous music in the background of your presentation.
Such an audio background can be especially effective when you minimize the transitions by running the presentation on a fast computer, with Slide Show -> Slide Transition - > Modify Transition - > Speed set to Fast. You will also want to set Modify Transition -> Sound to No Sound. If you are using music, you should also try to set the transition to a quiet point in the music, so that it is less noticeable. Creating an audio background can be time-consuming and full of false starts, but if the presentation is important enough, you might consider it worth the effort.
Several versions ago, Impress gained the ability to insert prerecorded sound clips. However, in its default state, Impress continues to lag behind Microsoft PowerPoint because it is unable to record sounds or sync slides with CD tracks. Now, eVoice halves the distance between Impress and PowerPoint. By adding sound recording to Impress -- and doing so simply and seamlessly, as far as end users are concerned -- eVoice immediately establishes itself as one of the must-have extensions for presentation designers.
d’EVOICE, je constate cependant qu’un problème se pose au niveau de la réutilisation du diaporama : est-ce que le son est conservé est diffusable sur des pc ayant open office mais pas l’extension ? sur des pc ayant open office et l’extension ?
en clair, le menu evoice semble fragile et donc selon la version 231 ou 24 ne peut pas régir de la même façon : c’est bien dommage… car c’était très stimulant.
Le son est conservé (mais pas diffusable) sur des pc ayant open office mais pas l’extension. Sur des pc ayant open office et l’extension... pas de problème!
c'est ce que je croyais mais la sauvegarde n'importe pas le son, comme ces fichiers multimédias sont associés sous forme de liens externes, il faut recréer le lien si vous déplacez la présentation...
Or comme un utilisateur moyen ne sait pas ouvrir ni copier un fichier caché comme par exemple celui-ci :
C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\.voiceTmp\.le paludisme.odp
->il faut rendre lisible les fichiers cachées de son système (chemin local settings et . devant nom fichier)
->il faut que le chemin ne possède pas pas d'accent ou d'espace qu'Evoice semble ne pas savoir lire
->il faut que la machine de destination possède un user qui porte le même nom afin que le chemin de l'application soit le même !
faire tout ça pour un son est impossible.
Je réitère ma question : comment modifier l'extension .oxt d'evoice au niveau du chemin par défaut pour qu'evoice créé son fichier temporaire dans un dossier "universel" du type
c:/tmpevoice ou c:/impressvoice
qui ne propose pas de nom d'user, de fichier caché ni de . devant le nom. (sans compter le risque d'accents ou d'espace qu'evoice ne sait restituer comme chemin)
car si le dossier est facilement exportable pour l'user lambda alors l'export deviendrait simple : on fait copier le fichier final .odp et le dossier des sons qui aura comme raccourci c:/voiceTmp
j'ai déclaré officiellement l'intérêt d'intégrer l'extension evoice sous impress comme component open office
Tue May 13 00:23:07 +0000 2008
ID Type Pri Plat Owner State Resolution Summary FEATUR P3 PC wg UNCONF integration of extension evoice for sound-recording easy