


This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of OpenOffice.


Kisi, Kazutaka

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writer, extension, EPUB, extension, writer2epub, extension
Samstag, 14 August, 2010 - 08:18
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System Independent version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Unbekannt
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Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

EpubBinder binds several EPUB documents and/or several EPUB folders, and converts bound EPUB into an EPUB document.
Where, an EPUB folder consists of a set of EPUB parts(i.e., mimetype, META-INF, OEBPS, and so on).
The how to bind EPUB is as follows:
1 Select EPUBs
Put these EPUBs into a appropriate folder.
Then select this folder using the Select button.
2 Arrange EPUB Order
You will be able to see EPUBs.
You can arrange these order if necessary.
3 Bind
Next, click the Bind button.
You will be able to see the document profile and table of contents(TOC) of bound EPUB.
EpubBinder takes the document profile from content.opf of first EPUB, and takes TOC from each toc.ncx of EPUBs.
4 Edit and Save
Before saving the EPUB document, you can alter the content of document profile and the order and depth of TOC if necessary.

You can get the sample data from the following URL.
English sample data: http://djvu.life.coocan.jp/sample/sample_en.zip
Japanese sample data: http://djvu.life.coocan.jp/sample/sample_ja.zip

I suggest that you use writer2epub to get EPUB document.
EpubBinder changes writer2epub's stylesheet into own.
I will revise its stylesheet into better as soon as possible.

Please email me with any bug reports, questions or comments: kisi-kazutaka@nifty.com


Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
1.4.5 System Independent 3.4 01/11/2010 - 07:56 Weitere Informationen Download
1.4.4 System Independent 3.4 22/09/2010 - 21:06 Weitere Informationen Download
1.4.3 System Independent 3.4 20/09/2010 - 11:33 Weitere Informationen Download
1.4.2 System Independent 3.4 20/09/2010 - 04:45 Weitere Informationen Download
1.4.1 System Independent 3.4 19/09/2010 - 04:54 Weitere Informationen Download
1.0 System Independent 3.4 14/08/2010 - 08:23 Weitere Informationen Download