


This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of OpenOffice.



Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

page, extension, number, extension, pagination, extension, pager, extension
Mittwoch, 30 Juli, 2008 - 16:34
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System Independent version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Unbekannt
User feedback:
Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

This extension based on Pagination 1.3.2 source code. It is beta-version now. Your feedback is needed. So feel free to leave your coments here.
I added some features to original Pagination:
1. It works now with all page styles.
2. Ability to insert text blocks "Page 1 of N"
3. You can specify pages that will not be numbered (read instruction below).
4. Made little interface changes.
To insert text block "Page 1 of N" you should:
1. Press button "More"
2. Check box "Insert text 'Page 1 of N'"
3. Change text in textbox if needed.
4. Press OK button.
To specify pages that will not be numbered, you should:
1. Press button "More"
2. Uncheck box "Number pages with all styles"
3. Press button "Select"
4. Choose what to do:
a) (recommended) - uncheck items in list with styles you don't want to number. These styles must be created before.
b) (use it carefully) - specify the numbers of pages in textbox. You can write range of pages. For example: "5, 10, 15-20". It is strongly recommended to insert manual breaks (Ctrl+Enter) before and after these pages.
5. Press OK
6. Press OK in main Pager's dialog
Unnumbered page styles will be written to document's field and next time they would not be numbered automatically.
If you choose to specify page number, there new page style named "OldStyleName_Pager" will appear and this style will be written to document as unnumbered style.


Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
0.9.8 System Independent -- 25/10/2008 - 07:08 Weitere Informationen Download
0.9.7 System Independent -- 23/10/2008 - 13:58 Weitere Informationen Download
0.9.6 System Independent -- 07/10/2008 - 13:59 Weitere Informationen Download
0.9.5-Beta System Independent -- 03/09/2008 - 15:30 Weitere Informationen Download
0.9.4-Beta System Independent -- 19/08/2008 - 13:48 Weitere Informationen Download
0.9.3-Beta System Independent -- 18/08/2008 - 01:24 Weitere Informationen Download


Hi: nice extension. Installs fine on LibreOffice 4 but doesn't do anything when activated. Click insert page, click OK, nothing happens in the document. Would be very cool if this could be fixed. Confirmed on both Win 8x64, Win 7 x64 and Linux Mint 14 x64. Looks like it's an issue with LO4. Thanks for considering this.

I should mention that Pagination works fine - the problem is with Pager and LO4.

if pages count > 1 then all works fine

Is it possible to include an option for choosing the location and font size of the page number?

Very nice extension. I am using an iMac OS 10.7.3 and the app does exactly what it says it will do. No problem loading or using. Thanks

If you have a document with several pages - and you desire not to have page #1 displayed - but desire to have page #2, #3...etc. displayed - then you simply "insert" a footer - and then insert the page "number" and page "count" - and then go to page #1 and right click in the footer area - select "page" which will bring up a new options window - then simply "unselect" the box marked "same content left/right" - and page #1 will no longer display a page number - but the remainder of the document will be properly paginated.

Steps to reproduce:
- uncheck "numbering all pages"
- push [Select] button
- in dialogbox with MacOS, all styles are checked but we can't disabled them
Works fine with Windows

Under my "Insert" menu, I have "Page Number...", but nothing called "Pager".

"Page Number..." just opens the window for the Pagination extension. (There is no "More" button, for example.)

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

"Insert-Page Number" - so you can call Pager (or it's parent - Pagination). About absent "More" button - maybe you installed extension Pagination after Pager? Try to install Pager once again.

Now it works.

Try to update 0.9.3 to 0.9.4: but no update file found

Nice job!

Do you mean updating with Extension manager in OOo? Maybe that's because Pager still tied to Pagination some way... I concentrate now on localisations and bugs in Pager but I'll look for update later.

Pager's base - Pagination - has many localisations. Pager has only [bad] English and Russian localisations now. I need help with Pager's localisations. If you use OOo with another localisation, you'll get English text instead of your native. If You want to help to translate Pager to your language - please feel free to contact me.