Modern Impress Templates



This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of OpenOffice.


Marcin Miłkowski

Average: 4 (25 votes)

template, extension, impress, extension, presentation, extension, presentations, extension, graphics, extension
Dienstag, 14 Oktober, 2008 - 16:55
Week: Nicht getrackt - Monat: Nicht getrackt - Jahr: Nicht getrackt - Timeline
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System Independent version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Unbekannt
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Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

Modern Impress presentation templates based on open-source art. You can review licenses in template properties and during the install.

Nowoczesne szablony prezentacji do programu Impress. Licencje podano we właściwościach szablonów oraz podczas instalacji.

Modern Impress Templates

Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
1.0.1 System Independent 3.4 18/10/2008 - 18:30 Weitere Informationen Download
1.0 System Independent 3.4 15/10/2008 - 14:23 Weitere Informationen Download



Could not create Java Implementation something - error on 'enable'

Don't look any further. This template pack has several nice looking, modern templates that you will love! I promise, once you install this extension you will never go back to the templates that are included with vanilla Granted, a lot of free software operating systems will give you a couple of nice templates, but than this extension will still be a nice add-on to that. - See more at:

some of the templates, especially those with grass, doesnt work in impress 3.2. If it could be possible, pls update.

I will try to fix it soon. Thanks for the report.

Don't like the standard presentation templates included in Or do you need a change from your good ol' template that's been hanging around since 1995? Are you giving presentations on a regular basis? Don't like hunting the web for royalty free images that you can safely include in your presentations?

Don't look any further. This template pack has several nice looking, modern templates that you will love! I promise, once you install this extension you will never go back to the templates that are included with vanilla Granted, a lot of free software operating systems will give you a couple of nice templates, but than this extension will still be a nice add-on to that.

Maybe a bit of improvement could be made on the text styles and page styles, but you can easily adjust that yourself.

Overall this extension is a definite improvement on one of the things the vanilla version lacks a bit.