

Message d'avertissement

This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of OpenOffice.

Onglets principaux

F3K Total

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Calc, Writer, Impress, Draw, Base, Chart
Resize, extension, picture, extension, Shape, extension, Frame, extension, Move, extension, Zeichnungsobjekt, extension, Bild, extension, Rahmen, extension, verschieben, extension, skalieren, extension
Date de publication:
Mercredi, 11 Avril, 2012 - 15:30
Week: Non suivi - Mois: Non suivi - Année: Non suivi - Timeline
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System Independent version - All releases
Compatible with OpenOffice 4: Inconnu
User feedback:
Compatible with OpenOffice 4.x?

For positioning of

  • shapes
  • pictures
  • controls
  • frames etc.
  • exactly in, it's often nesseccary to use the context menue and type in the new position. This needs time. With MMove dialog it's simple to adjust the exact position and size, step width can be changed from 0.1 to 20 mm.

    Zur exakten Positionierung von

  • Zeichnungsobjekten
  • Bildern
  • Kontrollelementen
  • Rahmen usw.
  • in, ist es oft erforderlich in den Kontextdialog zum ausgewählten Objekt einzusteigen und hier die Positionskoordinaten einzutippen. Dies ist aufwendig. Mit dem MMove Dialog ist es einfach die exakte Position und Größe einzustellen, die Schrittweite kann zwischen 0,1 und 20 mm angepasst werden.

    With four arrow-buttons you'll move your object in each direction, messures in mm. Direct entering of the position and size is possible. Since Version 1.0.3 you can adjust the step width also to 1/10th mm.There is the

  • MMove dialog
  • MMove menue
  • MMove toolbar
  • Mit vier Pfeiltasten kann das selektierte Objekt verschoben werden. Alle Maße sind in mm.
    Die direkte Eingabe der gewünschten Position und Größe ist über vier Eingabefelder möglich.
    Mit einer Checkbox kann seit Version 1.0.3 die Genauigkeit auch auf 0,1 mm eingestellt werden
    Die Extension beinhaltet:

  • MMove Benutzerdialog
  • MMove Menü
  • MMove Symbolleiste
  • MMove

    Version Operating system Compatibility Release date
    1.0.6 System Independent 3.4 18/05/2012 - 10:42 Plus d'information Download


    Great to have a floating menu that stays on hand for constant use and does not come and go like the normal Position and Size menu, and small enough not to obscure a huge part of the screen like the sidebar version.
    Downside would be that it does not work properly with scale drawing. Improvements for me would be an even smaller nudge factor than 0.1. Alt+arrow does .03. (You might ask why I use this, but it is to correct the issue that when copying and pasting the new object may jump a couple of pixels out of line). Another would be to mark the top size fields W and H (like the main Position and Size menus) and not X and Y, which I confuse with axis references.
    Good work!

    Thanks for this extension! Only one feature request to make it perfect: a "keep aspect ratio" option when resizing.
