Version 4.2.2 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Improved configuration of Obba for Excel: Allowing to hide the console window and shutting down Obba when client disconnects (these features are available if the client has started the server locally).
Version 4.2.1 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Create null references in the object handler using obCast (see documentation for details)
Version 4.1.3 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Added support for variadic method arguments (varargs).
Version 4.0.19 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Added convenient way to create java.util.List (see "Datatypes Demo" in the Demo folder)
Version 4.0.18 of Obba brings the following changes:
- The installer of Obba for Excel no longer checks for an installed Java Runtime. Obba does require a Java runtime in most situations, but it is not required to install that prior of Obba. Also, if Obba is run in Client-Server setup, only the server requires a JRE. The client does not.
- Fixed a bug resulting in obLoad and obSave failing in Obba for Excel.
Version 4.0.17 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Corrections to documentation.
- Internal upgrade to ICE 3.5.1.
Version 4.0.16 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Added access of static fields obCall where class references the classname and method name is ".FIELDNAME". Prior to version 4.0.15 this worked on objects member fields, but not on classes (static fields).
Version 4.0.15 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Obba for Excel: Implemented a workaround for an Excel bug which prevented sheets in "proctected view" to calculate after enabling (peviously the sheet had to be reopened or unblocked in its file properties).
- Improved exceptions handling displaying cause for wrapped exceptions.
Version 4.0.14 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Obba for Excel: Fixed a rare compatibility issue with Obba for LibreOffice/OpenOffice (this fix is needed to run Curve Calibration Sheets from finmath lib 4.0.7)
Version 4.0.12 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Obba for Excel: Use of local path in obAddJar (etc.) is compatible with sheet running form Windows UNC path
Version 4.0.10 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Added status tab to Obba Control Panel
- Obba for Excel: Improved performance for large arrays and ranges.
Version 4.0.8 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Improved memory management when running tasks concurrently (via obRun). (For details, see (very deep details))
Version 4.0.7 of Obba brings the following changes:
- List of exceptions including the causing function call in Obba Control Panel (Obba for LibreOffice/OpenOffice only)
- Improved compatiblity with VBA and XLW (for using Obba via VBA and passing XLW return values to Obba functions)
Version 4.0.5 of Obba brings the following changes:
- List of exceptions including the causing spreadsheet cells in Obba Control Panel (Obba for Excel only)
- Improved exception handling of Obba for Excel.
- Improved error treatment for Obba for Excel: If arguments are #NA, results will display #NA.
- Allowed creation of empty arrays (use an array constructor with a missing or empty range)
Version 4.0.2 of Obba brings the following changes:
- Obba now uses .Net Framework 4.0 and ICE Version 3.5.0 (note: you need Obba server version 4.x for Obba client 4.x).
- The unregistered version may be used for an unlimited time.
- Improvements to performance and exception handling.