
Extension ID:
Release date:
06/01/2009 - 12:47
Operating system:
Solaris Sparc, Solaris x86, Linux, MacOS X, Linux x86-64
Binary type:
Other binary download
Release Notes: 

0.3.9 :: 2009-01-06

### New features ###
2488967 - Added FirstRunCheck to OnSavedSVN and OnSavedAsSVN meaning that if
macros have already been assigned to these events, the wizard will run on the
first run.

Updated shell scripts to give PWD output after any cd. Useful for debugging.
If installing on top of an earlier version please run Tools > Add-Ons >
Install OOoSVN scripts. If this is a fresh install, these will be setup on the
firt run.

Output from most shell operations now goes to operation.log. If you have any
trouble, have a look through this to see what the shell scripts are doing.

Replaced some simple error messages with operation.log output. If reporting
issues in future, posting the contents of any error logs displayed will be a
great help.

Added file import tests to ImportSVN and OnSavedAsSVN so that files that do not
get correctly imported will not alert the user giving them the full
operation.log text to see where problems may, ie. problem characters in file

### Bug Fixes ###
All SVN file tests now look for .svn/ to make sure that files that have not been
correctly imported do not get reported. This is most useful on files with
problem characters such as spaces in them.