
Extension ID:
Release date:
09/06/2012 - 19:38
Operating system:
System Independent
Binary type:
OOo extension (.oxt)
Release Notes: 

Version 3.1.2 of Obba brings the following changes:

  • Ability to dynamically compile a class from Java source (provided as a spreadsheet string) and instantiate objects from it (using the spreadsheet function obMake) - see Obba tutorial: Class to Object Demo (movie). Obba now includes a utility class (info.obba.javatool.Compiler) which allows to dynamically compile a class from a string source. Obba's obMake accepts object handles to java.lang.Class object to specify the class.

Version 3.0.12 of Obba brings the following changes:

  • Stability improvements to the OpenOffice version. In some situations an odt sheet failed to load external JARs through the spreadsheet function right after opening. A forced manual re-calculation was necessary. (Note that it is no longer recommended to load a JAR via a spreadsheet function. Instead place all JARs side by side to the server and lauch the server manually).

Version 3.0.8 of Obba brings the following changes:

  • Rewrite of Obba add-ins for Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice / LibreOffice / NeoOffice.
  • Allows to run the Obba server Java virtual machine in a separate process (run "java -jar Obba.jar").
  • Allows to run the Obba server Java virtual machine on a remote machine (edit the ip address in ObbaClient.properties).
  • Easier creation of java.util.Date form Excel Date / OpenOffice Date using obMake(;"Date";...).
  • Added conversion from java.util.Date to Excel Date / OpenOffice Date via obGet.
  • The Excel functions obLoadObjects / obSaveObjects were renamed to obLoad / obSave respectively (to create compatibility with the OO implementation).
  • Added support for Excel 2010 64 bit.
  • Worked around a problem resulting in Obba Control Panel not showing up under OS X.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in a hang of OpenOffice (once) after installing Obba.
  • Improved error / exception handling: much clearer log output of Java exceptions.