Access2Base, the API for Base users-1.1.0

Extension ID:
Release date:
01/08/2014 - 11:57
Operating system:
System Independent
3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1
Binary type:
OpenOffice extension (.oxt)
Release Notes: 


1. The Access2Base library can be run to access a database defined in any form defined in any AOO/LibO document. Now the CurrentDb method may be associated with a form object, not only with the root class.

2. The OpenDatabase method allows any AOO/LibO document or any Basic macro to get access to tables stored in any database.

3. The CopyObject (new) action copies query definitions and/or table definitions and data.
Creation of table and fields without SQL with the CreateTableDef, CreateField and Add methods.

4. The new GetRows method loads a given number of records from a recordset in a Basic array.

5. RunSQL, OpenSQL, database functions have been extended to be run from a database object, not only as a command.

6. New GetHiddenAttribute and SetHiddenAttribute actions hide or show any AOO/LibO or Base object. SelectObject scope has been extended accordingly.

7. The Description property of a TableDef is writable.

8. Addition of the SelStart, SelLength and SelText properties for text controls.