Erweiterung: |
Extension ID: |
Release date: |
23/03/2009 - 18:13 |
Version: |
0.9 |
System Independent |
Compatibility: |
3.4 |
Binary type: |
Other binary download |
First (and probably last) release of this OOcalc macro.
' This Open Office macro will
' - read all the .xls (or sxc ...) files located in the cFolder defined some line below
' - export each sheet of each file as a separate .csv file, named : filename_sheetname.csv
It is easy to adapt to other input/ouput format.
It works. I needed it, and had hard time to find it on the web, but i'm not the author.
It's mostly copied from
so anyone is welcome to improve it and takeover the maintenance :-) .